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ARTIST SPOTLIGHT: Phase, as They Celebrate the Anniversary of Their Debut Album

Updated: Apr 9, 2019

Phase are celebrating the anniversary of their debut album

From the Greek capital of Larissa to the Northern Town of Newcastle, Phase sure have a story to tell, both geographically and musically. Formed around the sheer talents of Thanos Grigoriou, Damos Harharidis, Vasilis Liapis and Marios Papakostas, the alternative progressive rock four piece have employed a sound that has drawn comparisons to such artists as Anathema, Porcupine Tree,  and Alice in Chains.

The band played an array of shows intermittently from 2003 up until 2008, when they released their debut digital single ‘Perdition’ under Microsoft’s ‘Playlist Seven’ campaign for the release of Windows 7, a collaboration that frontman Thanos Grigoriou considers to be one of Phases proudest achievements.

‘Perdition’ is regarded as ‘a first of many’ and is notably the tune that made the difference. The first song the band finished writing, the first song the band rehearsed and the first song they played live. It’s widely regarded as the track that truly snares the essence of Phase, gracefully capturing the characteristics of their unique style.

The release of their debut single was closely followed by their first album,‘In consequence’, which received an outpour of positive reviews throughout the region, as well as been described by renowned singer-songwriter Alan Clayson as:

“A wondrous reconciliation of the instant familiar, and a vista into the unknown.”

Their second full length album, ‘The Wait’ was released on 19th April 2014 and met with mutual hype and excitement.

As well as their body of distinguishable material, Phase have much to be proud of. Over recent years they have received airplay on the BBC from their prolific DJ; Tom Robinson, not to mention being featured in Billboard, achieving #42 in the ‘Uncharted’ chart and #12 in the ‘Fastest Rising Act’ chart.

Geography poses no threat to the four piece, from all the safe territories in the world Phase completed a tour of the Middle East in 2011, becoming the second international rock band to ever play there, Gorillaz being the first. Frontman Thanos emphasised the importance of the gig, and why it felt so special for the band:

“A life changing moment was the Syrian gig, because it was at the beginning of Phase getting to know people there that had to flee their homes after their country mates turned on each other, it had a massive impact on us.”

Regardless of these amazing accomplishments, Grigoriou remained humble in acknowledging what he considers the band’s greatest achievement to be:

“I think the greatest achievement is managing to keep Phase going, despite all of the obstacles throughout the years.”

And continue they will, as the lads are ready to celebrate the 7-year anniversary since the release of their critically acclaimed debut ‘In Consequence’. Fans can expect the revisit to the album to air much more maturity, as the band have grown even more in strength and comradeship over recent years.

They’re set to celebrate in what they consider to be the most appropriate way, “On stage with good friends.” A range of merch will also be available to commemorate the occasion, including items such as a digipack CD with alternative artwork, and T-shirts branded with Phase’s past tour landmarks and dates.

But no celebration is complete without a gig, so Phase will be heading to Newcastle on Thursday 21st December, where they’ll be taking to the stage in Red Bar, located at Northumbria Institute 2. Gig revellers can expect a nostalgic evening laced with punk rock and revisited riffs, a combination that is sure to summon an electrical atmosphere from the get go, Don’t miss out.

Share shape, space… Phase.


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