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INTERVIEW: A Musical Chat With Faye Fantarrow

"I rely upon the current social and political climate to help influence my writing. Especially the effect it has closer to home and how it affects those close to me."
Faye Fantarrow is set to support Martha Hill at Sunderland's Independent on Saturday 7th March

Sunderland songbird Faye Fantarrow joins the wealth of incredible artists emerging from the North East music scene. I caught up with her to chat about her love for music, her inspirations and what the year 2020 has in store for the budding talent.

Who or what inspired you to be a musician?

I was definitely inspired by artists such as Brittany Howard and how she just manages to be so bloody cool in everything she does.

What do you find helps to inspire your songwriting?

I tend to rely upon the current social and political climate to help influence my writing. Especially the effect it has closer to home and how it affects those close to me.

The North East is swimming with talented musicians at the moment, which of your fellow artists would you recommend checking out?

Artists that I’m personally loving at the minute and would highly recommend would have to be Martha Hill, Eve Conway and Picnic!

Just to throw a hypothetical one into the mix... If you could collaborate with any artist (past or present), who would it be and why?

I would have loved to collaborate with Don McLean! Just because of his amazing songwriting skills and his ability to write some epic tunes.

Who are your greatest musical influences?

I would say my biggest influences have to be Lana Del Ray, Paulo Nutini, Hozier and James Vincent McMorrow. Not just because of their written style, but also how they manage to convey meaning through each of their songs.

What does 2020 have in store for Faye Fantarrow? Any live performances scheduled?

I’m looking forward to gigging around the North East and trying to get my music out there that little bit further!

I’ve got a few gigs lined up. I’ll be at Sunderland’s Independent on Saturday 7th March supporting Martha Hill.

Tickets for Faye's upcoming gig with Martha Hill are available here.


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