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INTERVIEW: The Pale White

Updated: Apr 9, 2019

“It’s great to see artists of that calibre being booked to play in the North East – it’s how it should be!”

Three-piece Newcastle band, The Pale White, started their year on a high note with the release of their debut single, ‘Reaction’. Now they’re set for an energetic Autumn as they take to the stage alongside some huge bands. North East Noize caught up with them in the months after their first Glastonbury performance to find out how they’re feeling, how they’re preparing, and what the remainder of 2017 has in store for them.

Your debut single, ‘Reaction’ made waves throughout the North East earlier this year. How do you feel about the ‘reaction’ you received? (sorry!)

We were absolutely chuffed with the response to ‘Reaction’ when we released it back in January. It was the first song we played together as the three of us and we felt that spark from it fairly instantly. We’ve had that song tucked away for quite some time so it felt incredibly satisfying to set it free. When it was announced that it was going to be Introducing Track of the Week on Radio 1, that was when we knew things were starting to happen.

You played the BBC Introducing Stage at Glastonbury this Summer. How did it feel to play on such sacred ground?

It’s always been a massive ambition to play at Glastonbury, so it was a pretty emotional day all around. We went for the full weekend to really drink in the atmosphere so it was pretty tough pacing ourselves to make sure we made it to the Introducing Stage on Sunday! It felt like it all happened so quickly, but we were amazed at the turnout and the response from people watching the set live online.

You played a huge gig in Newcastle’s Times Square this year. It must have seemed surreal playing alongside the likes of The Libertines and Maximo Park on your home soil?

We think that the Times Square shows have been amazing for Newcastle. And it’s great to see artists of that calibre being booked to play in the North East – it’s how it should be! We grew up listening to The Libertines and their impact on British music is unquestionable, so it was an honour to share a stage with them, especially in our home town.

We’ve opened for Maximo Park in the past and they’re a great band as well. They have so many big songs and Paul Smith is one of the best frontmen going.

Do you have any plans to release an album in the near future?

We’ll release an album eventually, most definitely. We want to spend a bit longer touring and building a fanbase around the UK before the album comes out. We’re already writing and developing ideas and themes for it and want to see what other sounds we can achieve before we commit to recording it just yet.

Finally, 2017 is shaping up to be a huge year for you guys. Are you excited for what’s to come?

It’s been an amazing year so far. We’re really enjoying ourselves and can’t wait to share some more new music with everyone. We go on tour with The Amazons this month and we should have some shows of our own to announce before the end of the year as well. Stay tuned!

Check out The Pale White’s hit single ‘Reaction’, below.


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