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REVIEW: Indie Four Piece Plastic Glass Release Their EP 'Broken Town'

Updated: Aug 21, 2019

North East indie rockers, Plastic Glass released their EP ‘Broken Town’ last week, and it’s safe to say it’s an absolute belter. The talented four-piece are made up of lead singer Lewis Conlin, lead guitarist Dylan Abbott, Ben Richardson on bass and Frazer Graham on drums, together they’re an unstoppable force.

Opening track ‘Til the End’ begins with a tasty electric guitar hook, spawning reminders of the iconic Jet tune, ‘Are You Gonna Be My Girl’, what’s not to love? It’s a melodic tale of the unknown boundaries we face in love and loss, and the perseverance that comes with seeing something through to the end, no matter how bittersweet it may be. Yet the most striking attributes of the track come from frontman Lewis Conlin’s indie-fuelled vocals and the reoccurrence of Dylan Abbott’s twanging, addictive guitar riffs.

Rolling into the leading track, ‘Broken Town’ the lad’s rhythmic hooks and catchy vocals return with a certain angst. A story of desperation to escape a deprived town, surely a feeling many Plastic Glass fans can resonate with.

It’s the need to escape, chase your dreams and spread your wings before the poverty and ‘Broken Town’ eats you up whole. As the track progresses it’s clear to see these lads have a unique talent and musicianship, both musically and lyrically. Lines such as ‘the kids have holes in their shoes’, ‘with broken families they're all alone’, address some of the real, heartfelt issues much of working-class society have become so accustomed to. There’s a real air of gritty authenticity around this track, it’s powerful, thought-provoking, and the perfect choice to lead the EP.

‘What That Means’ is next up, erupting into an introductory up-tempo guitar solo which sees you instantly tapping your feet. The vigorous story tells the tale of the all so familiar feeling of regret, shame and fear that comes the day after a heavy night on the town. Listening to Conlin’s witty retorts about ‘the night before’ brings back memories of The Arctic Monkeys debut, the tales and strife’s of working class nights out and the stories that come with it. Yet Plastic Glass have reinvented that feeling, polished it up for their own unique use, and it sounds bloody great.

Fourth tune, ‘The Game’ returns to the slower tempo, with a percussive intro that gradually breaks you into yet another great musical creation. There’s a definite running theme throughout this EP, a theme of ambition to escape the mundane in search of vibrant technicolour. Lyrics such as ‘Take these wings and fly high,’ and ‘show the world what life’s about’ carry with them a certain message, an empowering message of determination and willingness to succeed.

Last but by no means least there’s ‘Counterweight’, with a raucous, Hendrix-esque intro and biting riffs throughout, it’s clear to see that these lads are something special. Their musical ability and talent speaks for itself, complimented further by their witty, intelligent lyricism. Again, the track is laced with a sense of ambition and angst paired with virtuosic musicianship and admirable melodies. What a way to round off such an energetic, wholesome musical venture.

It’s safe to say the Plastic Glass lads have absolutely smashed it, with the entirety of ‘Broken Town’ setting them miles apart from the rest. Good Job lads.

Listen for yourself, you won’t regret it.

Check out ‘Broken Town’ on Itunes and Spotify now and head over to Plastic Glass' social media to keep up to date with upcoming shows and news.


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